Thoughts on goals and Aims

 Still the number one goal here is to create a repository of Fruit of Georgia Origin. And also Varieties you can go back and find selling in Georgia Nurseries 200 or so years ago. And varieties noted for growing from the Piedmont and Coastal Plain.

But there are some other side aims too.

A] Low Chill apples. Not just Anna or Dorsett Gold nor Schell {from Alabama and the one from Virginia}. But also ones we rarely see. Beverly Hills, Galacia, Marquesa, Vered, Tropic Sweet, Tropical Beauty, Subtropical Apple, Joy of Florida, Coast Apple and others.

Some of these might not be so great. Galacia and Vered sound like great pollination partners and are prolific bearers of small fruit. Some have had issues. Many of the Heritage apples are also low chill. San Jacinto and Jim Day for example. 

B] Prepper delights ie...rootable by cuttings. Turns out there are many. I will attempt to compile many.

C] Everbearing Apples for the family trees. Want just a few trees that pass out ripe apples now and then? Scoping around the globe; I think we can get you covered from June to January easy via a list of suspects.

D] The Cookers. Fine high quality fruit for sauce and holding together. Some in very large sizes. Many with epic historical storage ability.

E] A modest cider core of very useful fruit. Very Sweets, the Insanely Juicey, Crazy Sharp and sour. Again many of our heritage choices are even known for single variety ciders. But bring your own bitters. {We will have a few under the rootables though}

Then the F] group. Call it floor sweepings. All the Limbertwigs that grow on hot flatlands. Milden, Pierce Pasture , Umphress and Lord's Seedling. Great fine all purpose types. For a special project. I will bring in some dry apples for special use in tobacco plugs. 

Lastly Group G]  Headed by some Albert Etter favorites like Etter Gold, Waltana, Alaska, Alaska Pink; and the kid size apples. John Standish, Geeveston Fanny, Vixen, Little Jewel, Yates, and the crabs. Wickson, Whitney, etc.

I think I'm I mention improving Blairmont and root stocks???


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