Starting Root by cutting Apple trees

 Fixed 5 trees in a more sandy version of our potting mix. Carefully selected cut areas. Trimmed bottoms. Sacrificed the two buds to the bottom on each piece. Wet them. Touched dried the sacrificed zone. Dipped them in rooting hormone. Planted in labeled pots and watered. 

With any luck we should get 2 Lord Burgleigh and 3 Mank's Codlins. Let us keep the fingers crossed.

Eyeing another order to add Gascoyne's Scarlet, Appleton Wonder and perhaps Empire. With Etter's Gold, Kimrome and Annie Elizabeth coming to fill out the root stock left on hand.

Which should conclude our orders this year. Shockley-Grizzle and Langleigh Delight are still in the fridge.


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