Walking around checking who really has come through a rough start. And we definitely have classes of members. The surprise is "First of May"{Piervomaiskoie}. More grafts of it have survived a tough year more then any other variety. I never hear praises sung about it. But it sure has much grit and tenacity. Qualities well desired for an easy care tree. Other standouts are Shockley, Yates, Disharoon and Wickson crab. With at least two grafts of each looking very good. Next we have survivors with a look of being haggard, but still growing. Parks Pippin, Golden Harvey, Old Fashioned Limbertwig{a lazarus come back twice}. Wallace Howard, Pionier, Hudson’s Golden Gem, King Solomon, Chickasaw and one last Blairmont. Then we regretfully have a sizable group of trees that are a testament to the lie of "Permanent Marker" . About 16 trees that the names faded out on. Embarrassing. But over time I know what we grafted. And I can use their attributes to determine who is who la...